Plastic surgery prices
1. Консултация/ Преглед - 100 лв.
2. Кардиологична консултация с ЕКГ и разчитане - 100 лв.
Face procedures
1. Rhinoplasty
5500 BGN
2. Nose tip correction –NLA(sedation)
4000 BGN
3. Otoplasty
-с NLA (sedation)
2500 лв.
3500 лв.
4. Корекция на ушни лобулуси
1500 лв.
4. Correction of upper eyelid - with local anesthetic
-с NLA (sedation)
3000 BGN
4000 BGN
5. Correction of lower eyelid with NLA
4000 BGN
6. Increase cheeks with implants
3000 BGN
8. Liposuction of the face
3000 BGN
9. Botox injection
10. Lip augmentation with fillers
450-650 BGN
( 1ml.)
11. Lip augmentation with lipofilling NLA (sedation)
2000 BGN
12. Lip augmentation with implants
3000 BGN
13. Silicon removal from the lips – NLA (sedation)
2000 BGN
14. Dermabrazio - small area with local anesthetic up to 10 cm.
- NLA (sedation)
- big area - general anesthesia
1000 BGN
2000 BGN
2500 BGN
15. Lipofilling on the face /for each region/, nasolabial, cheeks, other
- whole face -NLA (sedation)
2000 BGN
3000 BGN
16. Facelift
- whole face
- partial
6000 BGN
4000 BGN
17. Brow-lift
4000 BGN
18. Endoscopic cheeklift
4000 BGN
19. Ендоскопски фронтлифт (чело)
5000 BGN
20. Cheek implant
3000 BGN
21. Correction of earlobe
600 BGN
22. Correction of cicatrix /depends on the lenght/ - with local anesthesia
350-500 BGN
25. Removal of xanthelasmata
300 BGN
24. Hair transplantation -NLA
3 euro / per graft
Body and bust procedures
1. Abdominal liposuction
4000 BGN
2. Liposuction of legs - NLA
5000 BGN
3. Liposuction of "breeches"
3000 BGN
4. Liposuction of knees - with local anesthesia
- with NLA
2000 BGN
3000 BGN
5. Liposuction of lateral part of the abdomen
3000 BGN
6. Liposuction of armpints -with local anesthesia
- with NLA
2000 BGN
3000 BGN
7. Liposuction of lower legs - NLA
3000 BGN
8. Liposuction of bottom - NLA
3000 BGN
9. Lipofilling of bottom
3000 BGN
10. Lifting of bottom
5000 BGN
11. Bottom implants
3500 - 4000 EURO
12. Breast augmentation with implants
3000 - 5000 ЕURО
13. Breast reduction /reduction and mastopexy/
5000 BGN
14. Mastopexy /breast lifting/
6000 BGN
15. Reduction of areolas - with local anesthesia
- with NLA
2000 BGN
3000 BGN
16. Breast reconstruction
4000 – 6000 BGN
17. Breast lipofilling
2500 BGN
(per procedure)
18. Abdominoplasty
6000 BGN
19. Mini abdominoplasty (with liposuction)
4500 BGN
20. Liposuction for gynecomasty
+ removal of excess skin
3000 BGN
+ 4000 BGN
21. Removal of tumors from the breast with histological examination -
with local anesthesia
with NLA
1000 BGN
1500 BGN
22. Lipectomy from the thighs - with general anesthesia
6000 BGN
23. Lipectomy from the hands - with general anesthesia
4000 BGN
24. Removal of benign growths /moles/
150 - 300 BGN
(+30 BGN for histology)
25. Correction of cicatrix /depends on the lenght/ - with local anesthesia
300 - 500 BGN
26. Surgery on the nails
300 BGN
28. Tattoo removal
- with local anesthesia
- with general anesthesia
500 - 1000 BGN
2000 BGN
31. Circumscisio
- with local anestesia
- with NLA
2000 BGN
3000 BGN
32. Labioplasty - NLA
2000 BGN
33. Parafinoma
3000 BGN
34. Removal of sweat glands with NLA
2000 BGN
32. Циркумсцизио (обрязване)
4000 лв.
33. Пластика на лабии
3000 лв.
34. Парафином
5000 лв.
35. Премахване на потни жлези
3000 лв.
1. Поставяне на мускулна инжекция
15 лв.
2. Поставяне на венозна инжекция
20 лв.
3. Поставяне на подкожна инжекция
15 лв.
4. Включване на венозен източник
25 лв.
5. Скарификационна проба за алергия
10 лв.
6 .Първа превръзка за външни пациенти
20 лв.
7. Последваща превръзка
10 лв.
8. Шев на рана с местна анестезия
70 лв.
9. Превръзка на рана от изгаряне или измръзване с
включен консуматив
50 лв.
10. Предоперативен пакет за анестезия включваща:
- лабораторни изследвания (пълна кръвна картина; кръвна група с Rh; и др.)
- ЕКГ с кардиологична консултация
- ехография на млечни жлези (при операция на гърди)
150 лв.
12. Анестезия по желание до 1ч.
350 лв.
13. Хистологично изследване на материал
30 лв.